Wednesday, April 21, 2021

A Tribute to the International Day for Occupational Safety and Health


As a tribute to the welfare and safety at workplace in contrast with practicing safety measures, the World Day for Safety and Health is contributed to overcoming workplace hazards and incorporating new approaches to recuse the lives of workers. Several organizations, in particular ILO supervised campaigns, gather to increase awareness in these issues in addition to recognizing and addressing the risks involved in a workplace.  

Why the World Safety at Work Matters to Global Communities

Each year, on the 28 of April as the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, attention is focused on the maintenance of laborers’ safety at work and an enhanced pre and post incident rescue. 

This special day embraces the labor etiquettes set by governments and companies, in contrast with safety and health provisions, to decrease;

·       Stress levels at work- whether from physical or mental aspects

·       Physiological risks by incorporating safety substitutes that ergonomic and efficient

·       Current and future imposing health risk by employing and finding dynamic solutions

Inspections, investigation of the relevant laws and introduction of cutting-edge safety products are the main themes of this day.


How Preventive Methods Are Practiced to Avoid Occupational Injuries?

In relation between risk-factors and accident rates, ILO announced a drop of over 65 percent in the total occupational injuries in a data collection between the years 1975 and 201670. Noted among the most significant subjects in occupational contexts, prevention of health and safety pitfalls are constantly underlined. Numerous organizations are dedicated to provide both safety and rescue solutions by employing the three renowned E’s; 

·       Education

·       Engineering 

·       Enforcement of policies

Examining prevailing safety preventions and incident rescue remains a constant fight against emerging risks and overcoming hazards at the workplace, often due to the continuous technological advancements and changing regulations by companies.

Annual celebration of World Day for Safety and Health at Work presents an opportunity for governments, companies and labor institutes for setting forth thorough solutions. 


How to Recognize and Respond to Occupational Risks

The maintenance of the wellbeing of laborers contributes to both economical and humanitarian appeals on industrial laws; the significance of risk management is corresponding to substantial matters, such as economical gain and a solid, innovative infrastructure across all industrial and artisanal sectors. 

·       Incorporate a safety and rescue plan

·       Performing pre-placement tests and training for adjustment to the above plans

·       Educating both workers and management staff

·       Research safety vulnerabilities and rescue solutions in case of occurrence

·       Providing a thorough protection equipment and hands free safety whenever possible

·       Avoiding to employ extra hours by hiring enough staff to avoid stress and concentration-related incidents

·       Constant monitoring of safety


Reevaluation of such regulation is recommended to pinpoint emerging safety issues and provide new amendments. Furthermore, these concepts are responded with safety tools, changing of laws and educational advancements. For instance, recognizing safety tools that may turn obsolete in function for near future application.  


Ergonomic Facets of Safe Labor

Ergonomic, or workplaces design efficiency and comfort, is equally appreciated as a safety measure in the workplace. Safety tools related to emerging risks and rescue casualties must be rooted in scientific basis as well as workplace compatibility. Impractical safety products are more likely to be set aside and while incomprehensive rescue solutions keep the laborers prone to drastic occupational incidents. 

Among the featured topics on World Day for Safety and Health at Work, companies and government organizations are encouraged to set forth solutions that consider both safety and ergonomic aesthetics. 



A Glance at the Workplace Safety Challenges in Global Scale

A well balanced and standard approach to safety measures and rescue solutions generally lead to overcoming such issues. While Assessment of risk elements in existing work environments, tools, and newly introduced technologies remains a constant endeavour, rising awareness helps increase safety in occupational grounds.

Throughout a year, several foundations are responsible to provide supervision on the preventive methods incorporated to ensure occupational safety. This authoritative circle even grows larger during the world safety day, including; public sectors, practical and academic schools and universities, private companies both in production of safety product lines and receiving end, government offices- accompanied by labor workers and other citizens. 

Several corporations use this day as an educational tool, not just on local areas, but on an international scale for a better and safer occupational year ahead. 


Product Presentation on the International Safety Day

Recognition of safety issues and increasing awareness of precautionary measures are a response to only half of the safety issues. The rest is addressed by introducing products that provide a solution;

·       Presenting new product catalogues with comprehensive explanations

·       Safety and rescue assisting product launch in small and international scales

·       Performing conferences on introduction of future safety products 

Safety products’ introduction offers a direct solution to occupational incidents and encourages their widespread usage by choosing this dedicated occasion for their launch.  


Our Aspirations for a Safe Year Ahead

Each year, on the World Day of Occupational Health and Safety, labor societies as well as non-relevant organizations acknowledge the value of occupational safety in a variety of ways; such as spreading useful information and awareness, or providing groundbreaking safety measures.

As a dedicated foundation to preventive measures to emerging risks and rescue assistance, FSE Safe holds the wellbeing of hard-working individuals as our core value. We bid you a happy World Day for Occupational Safety and Health and promise to continue our mission in providing an impeccable workplace by providing innovative solutions and sincere efforts.

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